Delve into photography, learn from published authors in my spiritual writing class, develop your intuition, connect to your creativity more deeply by joining the The Artist's Way group, or take my adult creativity camp this summer 2021.
I love to teach and I enjoy seeing my students gain the confidence they need to embark on their creative journeys.
Adult Creativity Camp
DAY 1 TH 10th 6-8pm New Moon Ceremony
Raise your vibration and bring in the new. When we shift our energy towards positivity and gain clarity of our dreams, we shift the world around us to create exactly what we want. Get clear and get powerful.
DAY 2 F 11th 4-7pm Evening Hike & Cold Plunge
During our hike in Grand Teton National Park, we will practice a walking meditation that will focus on what we want to bring into our lives. A special mantra will evoke your deepest desires. A cold plunge or swim is an internal reset. Cold water increases oxygen, thought clarity, and will power, everything you need to reshape your life.
June 10 -13 2021 $325

DAY 3 SAT 12th 10-2pm Get Creative
Everyone is creative, it’s a matter of giving yourself the time to cultivate and develop your creative thought. The group activities include meditation, visualization, mind map exercises, vision boarding, journaling, and painting.
DAY 4 SUN 13th 4-7pm Cacao & Water Manifestation Exercises
We will convene at a location TBD and share our thoughts and experiences from the last few days. The group will then do an online sound bath and angel cards to assist our connection to our higher selves. The camp will conclude with a cacao and water manifestation exercise.
Ongoing Classes - Check for Upcoming 2021 Dates
Get Connected
Feb 1 - March 1 2021 SUN 5-6:30 pm $175 for Daily Curriculum for 4 Weeks
Harness your intuition and creative power. Creativity and intuition go hand in hand and this 28 day spiritual journey is designed to empower participants to connect to their inner knowing and compass.
Participants will have weekly group class discussions, daily outside of the box curriculum, and scheduled one on one time with Leigh, including intuition guidance and a personal Dream Plan from Leigh. Daily curriculum will include creative and intuitive discovery exercises, guided meditations, journaling, visualizations, inspiration to start your day, and an accountability goal setting checklist. Bi-weekly individual Zoom sessions with Leigh will give supportive guidance and tools to realize undiscovered goals, desires, and dreams. During weekly Zoom group meetings, participants will learn how to listen to our innate inner wisdom, curiosity, and tap in to our true selves.
Week 1 - Release
Week 2 - Intuition
Week 3 - Trust
Week 4 - Manifest
This class will give you the confidence and know-how to begin your new fulfilling life journey. Space is limited due to the personal and intimate nature of the course.
We are all intuitive and creative, it's a matter of accessing it. Join us in this creative and fun adventure!
"Leigh is a natural teacher, and her inclination to help others is a beautiful gift. She was so connected to each of us students in her writing class, and gently guided us all toward what I think we came to class to see and develop. Her authentic nature will help you see your own, in the most humble way. A great teacher is a true gift on the path of life, and Leigh will undoubtedly be a sign post on your path."
- Sita Daavettila, Head of Sustainability, Summit Materials

Writing As A Spiritual Practice
Jan 5 - March 23 2021 T 5-7 pm $250 for 12 classes

"Leigh is an enthusiastic and gifted teacher. She offers a wide range of valuable insight, critical concept structure and feedback, and her intuitive guidance towards each writer's story and development needs."
- Aj Cargill, Participant / Writer
"I loved Leigh's Creative Writing class, she demystifies the writing process and helped me fill my toolbox with ideas."
- Kim Springer, Ecologist / Outdoor Educator
Have you always wanted to write a novel, memoir, picture book, blog, or screenplay? Develop and hone your writing skills for the 2021 Jackson Hole Writers Conference, your webpage, or just get your creative ideas flowing.
During this winter-long writing course we cover, cultivating creative thought, generating ideas, critiques, writing exercises, character development (even if you are the main person writing a blog or memoir), conflict, and story structure (this is important in blogs as well!). The 3 Act story in blogs will do the selling for you.
We will also go into marketing, promotion, blog writing, productive writing schedules, and staying accountable to our writing with a shared weekly check in google document. Weekly homework and daily word counts will be checked off each week.
With inspiration from The Artist’s Way, I incorporated a Writer's Date into this course. Writer Dates are just 30 mins. of time for you each week to generate creative ideas and thoughts, typically this is NOT writing time.
Even though we will cover the nuts & bolts of writing, this class is spiritual in nature from our class oath, weekly exercises to cultivate trust, and 3 mins. mediation recorded for everyone to listen to before writing which focuses on:
Letting Go
Getting out of your own way
Quieting the internal censor
Visiting Guests:
1-2 published authors
1 successful blogger
1 successful editor
Author, Tim Sandlin will visit 1 class to critique student work
Soul Creative Business Bootcamp
May 18 - July 13 2021 T 9-11 am $300 for Daily Curriculum for 9 weeks
This part spiritual immersion and brass tacks business class is the ultimate creative journey into developing who you are and what you want to create.
If you have always wanted to start your own business but have been too overwhelmed or uncertain to start, then this is the class for you. In a supportive and creative environment, participants will learn skills and exercises to overcome blocks, generate ideas, tap into their source creativity, get clear and organized, and ultimately take action. Writing exercises, meditation, visualization, vision boards, mind mapping, supportive group meetings, one on one counseling with Leigh, logo sketching, index card organizing, business researching, and creative exploration will assist you in developing and refining your dream business or idea.
The last week, participants will pitch their ideas to Silicon Couloir, a non-profit dedicated to educating and funding new entrepreneurs. A business consultant from Silicon Couloir will join our last class and advise on your next steps needed to lay the foundation for your business. Depending upon your stage in the business creation process, your next step may be cultivating and finalizing your business plan and budget by enrolling in Silicon Couloir’s Start Up Essentials class and/or find out the process for submitting a business model to Silicon Couloir’s Pitch Day or Angel Group.
Every single company started with an idea that was terrible or initially didn’t work. There is no reason to be intimidated by the process of coming up with business ideas. Conquer your fears, tap into your creative dreams, and learn the necessary steps to take to make your idea a reality.
One scholarship of 50% off is available for this class, email Leigh at to inquire.

Creative Photography
April 14 - May 5 2020 W 9-11 am $150 for this 4 week class

Delve into the artistry of photography with this 4 week photography course. Learn camera basics such as focus, aperture, shutter speed, ISO, depth of field, composition, light, lenses, and the rule of thirds. Weekly assignments and Zoom group critiques will assist students in developing their creative eye. This class will enhance each student's photographic vision and their unique way of seeing.
At the end of class, students will edit photographs into a strong portfolio. It's suggested for students to have Adobe Lightroom or another photography editing software available. One scholarship of 50% off is available for this class, email Leigh at to inquire.
Photograph by Central Wyoming College student, Sharlotte Castañeda Quiroz
"The Central Wyoming photography students flourished in Leigh’s Introduction to Digital Photography class. Not only did she successfully encourage each student to express their personal voice through their photos, she found ways to creatively engage the students as the COVID pandemic started."
- Susan Durfee, Director Outreach Center, Central Wyoming College
The Artist's Way
Oct 26 - Jan 11 2020 M 6-8 pm $150 for 12 classes
Make a commitment to your creative potential!
This 12 week online class reading Julia Cameron's, The Artist Way, is a journey into discovering your creative possibilities. Break down blocks, self-doubt, and uncertainty and tap into your true creative self. Each week the class discusses the chapter, the writing exercises, morning pages, and the self discovery that arises for each individual. Group support and encouragement allows for a safe place to access new ideas and dreams.
"For anyone this is creatively blocked, yearns to dive back into their creative passion, or needs some encouragement to spark creativity, I cannot suggest The Artist's Way enough. Leigh is a phenomenal leader and advocate for each of her students, while she guides the class through Julia Cameron's bestselling book. Through Leigh's tender, supportive, empathetic, and encouraging ways - she helped me unlock my hang-ups and not be afraid to be the artist I know I am. Praise to Leigh, the book and this class are worth the commitment."
- Hillary Munro, Mom, Writer & Founder of Graze Living

Instructor and Creativity Coach
Leigh is a mom, documentary filmmaker, writer, and artist. She has taught film, video, storytelling, creative writing, and photography for Central Wyoming College, The Mountain Academy, The Jackson Hole Community School, and the Jackson Hole Art Association. Leigh has also taught creativity workshops and youth filmmaking camps for the past 10 years.
Leigh was the Photography and Video Studio Director for the Jackson Hole Art Association for 2 years. Currently she works as a video and film editor and a creative arts instructor.
Leigh's filmography includes, Bag It, The Drift, Uranium Drive In, Lady B's First Winter, We Sing Where I'm From, Bidder 70, and Don't Fence Me In.
She created Soul Creative Media with the goal of bringing creativity, inspiration, and joy into people's daily lives. You can learn more about Leigh and follow her on Instagram at @soulcreativemedia.
Leigh is a mom, documentary filmmaker, writer, and artist. She has taught film, video, storytelling, creative writing, and photography for Central Wyoming College, The Mountain Academy, The Jackson Hole Community School, and the Jackson Hole Art Association. Leigh has also taught creativity workshops and youth filmmaking camps for the past 10 years.
Leigh was the Photography and Video Studio Director for the Jackson Hole Art Association for 2 years. Currently she works as a video and film editor and a creative arts instructor.
Leigh's filmography includes, Bag It, The Drift, Uranium Drive In, Lady B's First Winter, We Sing Where I'm From, Bidder 70, and Don't Fence Me In.
She created Soul Creative Media with the goal of bringing creativity, inspiration, and joy into people's daily lives. You can learn more about Leigh and follow her on Instagram at @soulcreativemedia.